
Waka Yume Yume
Đọc Chương 1 Danh Sách Chương

Giới Thiệu Truyện

Rudel Arses, the first born of one of the ‘Three Lords’ of the Courtois Kingdom, is from a corrupted family, but at 5 years old, he saw a dragon in the sky and his dark future as a villain changed. He was considered an idiot, but was that true? How would his effort to become a dragoon change the kingdom?

His family and servants don’t care about him, only looking and doting upon the second child, Chlust, and his other sister from the same mother, Erselica.

Thông Tin Truyện

Thể Loại
Số chữ 428,338
Số chương 170
Lượt xem 14
Đọc Chương 1 Đầu Trang

Truyện Tương Tự

Sevens Godly Talented Doctor Lord of the Star Ocean A Tale of Two Phoenixes The Venerable Swordsman Ancient True Dragon Art