Gamers of the Underworld

Blue-White Sky
Đọc Chương 1 Danh Sách Chương

Giới Thiệu Truyện

Sherlock is a new generation Dungeon Lord whose ambition is to become the greatest Devil King and building up the greatest Dungeon in the Underworld.

He summons a group of other-worldly goblins who give themselves strange names, form cliques, engage in commerce, and even fight among themselves.

They call themselves—Gamers!

Thông Tin Truyện

Thể Loại
Số chữ 110,887
Số chương 587
Lượt xem 116
Đọc Chương 1 Đầu Trang

Truyện Tương Tự

I have a Dragon Island Everlasting Sword God Lie Huo Jiao Chou Hellbound With You Overgeared