Lord Xue Ying

I Eat Tomatoes
Đọc Chương 1 Danh Sách Chương

Giới Thiệu Truyện

In the Tranquil Sun province of the empire, there exists an unremarkable lordship known as Xue Ying Territory! This is the home of the Dong Bo clan, the clan of our hero Xue Ying!

His father, a commoner turned noble; his mother, a noble who abandoned her clan for love, and his brother, an innocent toddler. But peace cannot last forever, Xue Ying’s peaceful life is shattered, and the only way to reclaim it is through power!

Thông Tin Truyện

Thể Loại
Số chữ 1,602,545
Số chương 1,384
Lượt xem 31
Đọc Chương 1 Đầu Trang

Truyện Tương Tự

Seeking the Flying Sword Path Swallowed Star Archean Eon Art Peach Blossom Debt Wu Dong Qian Kun Thriller Paradise Journey to Seek Past Reincarnations Didn’t Love You Enough