Danh Sách Chương Omni Genius

Truyện này có 3,237 chương và đã được cập nhật full. Mời các bạn đón đọc!

Ch. 1 Blessings Ch. 2 Skills: Ramen Ch. 3 Increased proficiency Ch. 4 Delicious ramen Ch. 5 Money making plan Ch. 6 Hot business Ch. 7 Save money Ch. 8 Skill: Sneak attack Ch. 9 Take an enemy three! Undead Ch. 10 Crush small punk Ch. 11 Rare props: mixed bricks Ch. 12 Blood is so supplemented Ch. 13 Behind the scenes Ch. 14 Secret soup bag making method Ch. 15 Narrow road Ch. 16 Do not live Ch. 17 Deserve it! Ch. 18 Girl snow Ch. 19 Hero saves beauty Ch. 20 The buns are in hand, who is my opponent! Ch. 21 Call it Ch. 22 The wicked have their own wicked Ch. 23 Secret sauce recipe Ch. 24 I am going home with you! Ch. 25 Bring home to spend the night Ch. 26 Bulge Ch. 27 Lonely man Ch. 28 Was broken by Tang Feifei Ch. 29 girlfriend Ch. 30 Fifi's invitation Ch. 31 Skill upgrade, derivation of main line skills Ch. 32 Strong and delicious +5 Ch. 33 Skill: riding Ch. 34 Li Feng Ch. 35 Small step on one foot Ch. 36 Posing Ch. 37 Intermediate barbecue skill Ch. 38 Try it out Ch. 39 Qin Fang's barbecue debut Ch. 40 More than the barbecue champion Ch. 41 challenge Ch. 42 Barbecue pk Ch. 43 Popular and gorging Ch. 44 Post-production, popularity is skyrocketing Ch. 45 Black box operation Ch. 46 Amazingly reversed! Turn over! Ch. 47 Dust settled Ch. 48 Character upgrade! Reward skills: investigation Ch. 49 Car accident Ch. 50 彪悍警花宁羽墨