Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

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Originally born from a wealthy family, she ends up leading a vagrant life for fifteen years. However, when she is eventually found by her family, she falls into another devious plot and eventually dies tragically.

Fifteen years after her rebirth, ravenously raging for revenge, she tears down the hypocritical mask of the foster daughter who had taken her place, and reduces her greedy stepmother and stepsister back to their original sorry states.

To the jerk’s profession of his deep love for her, she only has one thing to say, “Get the hell out of my life. The love you speak of humiliates love!”

Regardless of the appearances of you monsters, I’ll take in it my stride with my capability, building a business dynasty of my own, sitting in the depths of my riches, bathing in the glistening limelight of the world.

A certain rich empire’s CEO: “Don’t mind me. I’m just leaving my mark here to declaring my possession rights; I’ll wait patiently for you to grow up!” The queen’s mighty return with commercial warfare fully within her grasp, she navigates the power struggles with skill and verve. When it comes to scheming conspiracies, all she has to say is, “Who are you again? Don’t even bother!”

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