Soul of Negary

Xu Ming
Đọc Chương 1 Danh Sách Chương

Giới Thiệu Truyện

Heed my call! O’ Dragon of Eternal Sin, the Progressive Disaster, the Forerunner, the Land of Eternal Peace, the Flames of Soul Burning, He Who Owns The Deep Soul, the Sound of Origin, the First Cause of All Things, the Principle of Circles… o’ great Negary, your servant calls for your return!

Within the darkness, someone was harmoniously chanting, he was smiling, as he know he would finally become one with his God.

And all of this, came from the remnant soul that was deceived to travelling to a different world and had his Protagonist Aura stolen.

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Truyện Tương Tự

Red Storm Counterattack of a White Lotus that was Reborn into an Apocalypse Super Psionic Technology Extraordinary David (Transcendent David) The Black Sheep (The Black Horse)